Sunday, November 26, 2006

Symbolic Fengshui

Symbolic Fengshui – An introduction

Feng shui is a Chinese Science that has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its ease of implementation and tremendous effectiveness.
The Chinese people have a great penchant for looking at objects and symbols as conveyors of hidden meanings. They look at many objects as conveyors of symbolic good luck or bad luck and they also view many events as omens of good or bad luck.
Objects and pictures are said to contain much more meaning than is visible at first. Hidden meanings attached to objects and events have much greater potency that words cannot describe! For example, if one puts up in one’s house, a picture of a family with a crying woman, along with a man wearing old torn clothes, it clearly symbolizes ill luck! The hidden meaning would be that the man, who represents the breadwinner, is in dire poverty hence it indicates financial bad luck, and also the mourning woman may indicate death of a dear one or sadness due to some other reason. Hence, putting up such a picture is symbolic of inviting poverty and sadness into the home!

On the other hand, a happy family photograph showing a family of father, mother and children all close together, smiling and happy and the lady of the house wearing a lot of jewellery, symbolizes a lot of good luck indicating good wealth luck, good descendants’ luck, as well as happiness and togetherness. Such a picture is auspicious for displaying in the house and invariably brings good tidings. This is how the Chinese people look at pictures and objects. This is the symbolic Fengshui!
Strictly speaking, symbolic Feng shui is actually traditional Chinese cultural symbolism.
The Chinese people traditionally use a large number of symbols in their house. There are Symbols and objects for enhancement of good luck for Health, Wealth, Success, Marriage prospects and Good relationship.



Blogger Ari2525 said...

This is a very nice Feng Shui Website.
It provides a lot of Feng Shui Tips. I like it!!

2:03 AM  

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