Sunday, December 10, 2006

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient study of the environmental energies in constant perpetual motion that interact with certain places, people and time. This practice of balancing and correcting the effects of certain qi will bring benefits to the relationship between yourself and your family, your career or wealth status and the state of your most important asset, your health. Feng Shui can mean different things to different people. It does not contradict any religious, cultural or traditional beliefs, as Feng Shui is the science of bringing together humankind and the environment in which we strive to find harmony and equilibrium. Feng Shui is the art and science of arranging things in a correct order and to find our personal directions so as to harness Chi` (Life Force) within our lifestyles so as to reach optimum harmony.
There are different fields of expertise and schools of thought, being Tibetan Black Hat Feng Shui, Flying Stars, Dowsing, Geomancy and many more. We recommend that you seek out a qualified teacher, read the many good books available and enter into the fascinating and never boring world of Feng Shui. Feng Shui literally means WIND (FENG) AND WATER (SHUI).
Its practitioners believe that with correct guidance and placement we can influence our fate in positive forms and so help to avoid misfortune. The history of Feng Shui is said to have begun with Fu Hsiu over 5000 years ago, when he witnessed a turtle emerge from the depths of the Yellow River. Upon the turtles back were markings that Fu Hsiu adopted as symbols of great knowledge, universal truths and symmetry. These markings are known as the 'trigrams'.


Blogger p-dud said...

thank you for this concise description!




4:55 PM  
Blogger Ari2525 said...

This is a very nice Feng Shui Website.

It provides a lot of Feng Shui Tips. I like it!!

11:34 PM  
Blogger Ari2525 said...

This is a very nice Feng Shui Website.
It provides a lot of Feng Shui Tips. I like it!!

1:53 AM  

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